Monday, August 25, 2008


Well alot has happened since the last blog. Olivia has been going through her tantrums once again, and we have no idea why. They seem to come on from one second to the next and for no apparent reason. My husband and I are finding it harder and harder to handle, maybe because she is getting older and has more strenghth.

The fundraiser preparations are going really well, and i am enjoying the planning. It is hard at times to have to repeat myself with Olivia's story, and explain how we hav no diagnosis for her. Sometimes people have a hard time understanding that we don't know what is wrong with our little girl, but trust us if we knew we would tell the world.

Speaking of the world, we were lucky enough to have had a website made for Olivia. A friend of ours spoke about our story to someone and he was kind enough to offer his services. You can vie her story at

Send us your feedback, we would love to know what you think of the site.

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