Saturday, August 9, 2008

Busy Week

Well this was the week of appointments we have waited 15 months for. Olivia was finally assessed for the Autism Spectrum Disorder, and we were happy to hear that she is NOT autistic. That was great news, but still once again we are not any closer to finding out what Olivia has.

We also went to see a new Neurologist for another opinion (#3) and he was not able to help us. He was very kind and took the time to explain to us that we need to accept the fact that Olivia will never be a normal 3 year old. Her delays are quite significant and that at this stage it is not likely that she will catch up. Now you try to swallow that as a parent, not likely. We will do more testing with yet another Genetisist and see what comes from that, we will not stop trying to find answers.

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