Well on Friday we had a pretty nasty rain and wind storm that blew many electrical transformers, our house being one of the many without power. At 345pm on Friday the power went off and we thought it would be a few hours and all would be good. Olivia loves to watch TV and therefore we knew it was going to be a tough few hours. Little did we know that it was going to last 27 hours for us and many others are still with no power.
Saturday morning started off with Olivia waking up at 5am at her nonna's after spending the night which Olivia loves to do. When she woke up she could sense that something was not right and the TV was closed, the portable DVD palyer helped for a few hours but then eventually the battery had no more life. All Olivia kept doing was bring us the TV converter to turn on the TV, and we kept trying to explain to her that there was no power and nothing was working but my baby girl did not understand that. We tried to sing songs and play games on the Ipad as long as the batter lasted. We could see that she was getting very frustrated and nervous and constantly whining for the whole time. With the nervousness obviously she would not nap and that made her mood even worse. Let's just say that thanks to my sister in law who had power but no TV we managed to get Olivia to calm down a little by some distraction from her cousins.
So how does one explain it to a child with an intellectual disability that they are not able to watch TV, and that the house is dark yet to not be afraid and feel safe. All I can say is that is was our first experience and it was not easy but we managed. My hat off to all the families whom have suffered threw hurricanes and worse with a special needs child.
Power is back, Olivia is happy and so are we...........
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