Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are back.....

Well we are happy to announce that Olivia received her treatments on October 26, 2008. We worked very hard to raise enough money for this and thank you all for giving Olivia this opportunity.

The treatment went really well and she handled it like any child would (kicking and screaming) but we managed to get through it. We noticed about 3 hours after the treatment that Olivia was able to hold her bottle to her mouth with both hands (something she was not able to do).

We are very hopeful that only good will come out of this and wish to return in 6 months for another round.

We made a vacation out it and spent 1 week in the DR, where the weather was unbearably hot. Olivia enjoyed the pool for a day or two and them began to have fever by wednesday night. By 3 am she had spiked a fever of 40 and began to have febrile seizures, which were terrifying for us. We were very grateful for friends who were on the same trip that helped us tremendously that night, we will forever be thankful to both of you. A doctor came to visit Olivia at the hotel and thought that it may be an ear infection, but we feel it was more a Sun Stroke. The situation was very scary being in another country but thankfully it all went well. We spent the rest of our vaction taking turns staying indoors with Olivia.

We are home and see some little changes in her which makes us very hopeful. We will see within the next few months what progress she will make.

Franca, Luigi & Olivia

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