Tuesday, July 28, 2009

3yr old with Migraines

Well Olivia just spent another 4 days at the Montreal Children's Hospital. For the last 2 weeks we could tell that Olivia was not feeling well, she was very cranky, difficult to feed, did not want to sleep but we could not figure out the problem. My husband and I took her to the pediatrician 3 times to see maybe she had an ear or throat infection and she was clear every time. By the 17th Olivia was beginning to get out of hand with her crying and not sleeping we thought maybe she was constipated so we started with the Fleets and waited to see if she would get better. It was okay for 2 days and then started again so another Fleet and she calmed down, we figured problem solved.

On Monday night the 20th the yelling and crying was out of control that she cried for 4 hours straight and fell asleep from exhaustion, the next day we took her to the pediatrician and we wanted answers. The only thing he told us was maybe the constipation but that she seemed to very irritable. We took her to the Montreal Children's and had an abdominal x-ray done in which they would not give us the results and we asked for an abdominal ultrasound appointment and they gave it to us for DECEMBER 3, 2009 (can you believe it). We asked the girl if one has to die from the pain before being seen and she responded that we were lucky we got that date (what a great medical system). We took Olivia home and the evening was hell she just cried all night long non stop, and we were not able to console her at all.

On Tuesday night at around 2 am Olivia began to make funny noises in her sleep so we went to check in on her and she had vomited in her bed, I took her to the bathroom but she did not wake up. She kept have a jerking motion every time she vomited and this happened every 30 min. all night long. By 7am Olivia was still asleep and I was not able to wake her up, I picked her up brought her downstairs and tried to sit her down. When I saw that she was not able to sit on her own, and when you called her she would look at me but with no response I call my sister in law for help who then said to take her to the Children's. So I called 911 and within minutes they were at my door and whisked her to the hospital.

As I was explaining to the nurse what was going on all night, Olivia began to have the jerking motion again and what seemed to be a seizure, they rushed her to the trauma room where they hooked her up to ECG, IV, blood samples being drawn. Everything happened so fast it was crazy, finally we were told that we would be seen by Neurology after explaining 50 times what has been happening for the past few days and Olivia screaming bloody murder the whole time. Finally we were seen by Neuro and they wanted to examine Olivia, we refused because of her screaming and asked them to admit her or give her something to calm her down. By now we got to the hospital at 8am, it was 3pm and she was still screaming and was given nothing. Finally after my husband and I started to scream bloody murder and they gave her a dose of Phenobarbital which knocked her out for 3 hours.

This screaming went on for 3 days and a cocktail of medications were given to try to calm her down but nothing worked, by now she was frustrated we were exhausted and nothing was working. I kept telling the doctors that it has to be more than just constipation, she is literally pulling her hair out of her head. Finally their last resort was to try a medication for migraines and see what happened. I am glad to say that within 20 minutes she stopped crying and was calm once again. The crying started again and once again they gave her the same med and again she stopped, thankfully she has not had anymore episodes since Friday afternoon.

Hard to believe that a little girl who has already gone through so much can sustain this much. She was so aggressive during that time that her legs and butt are bruised from all the banging she did in the bed along the side rails. We are happy that she is better an now taking her Tegretol as well as Vitamin B2 (migraine prevention). So if this occurs once again we are to take her to the ER and have her get a dose of Maxeran (only administered by IV). Can one live a life on pins and needles everyday, but we make the most of it.